The signed Ween Poster is from the Show at Red Rocks on Wed July 12th, 2017. It was a fantastic show, and a triumphant return of Ween at the venue, after the hiatus. I love Ween because they rarely have an opening band, and they waited until it got dark to start playing. They opened with Did You See Me? (EPIC) – as the RAIN STOPPED! Ween Stopped the RAIN with the power of the Boognish. EPIC show, Gener was on point. I’ve seen some disappointing shows, but this was one of the best ones I’ve seen. THE POSTER = the poster is signed by all 5 band members, Gener and Deaner are in the bottom left and right corners respectively. Deaner’s marker seemed to be running dry when he signed. All the markers are bold and brilliant aside from his. This poster was from the merch tent, BOUGHT AND PROTECTED THIS THROUGH THE RAIN! CONDITION = there’s a few random little rain droplets that made it onto the back of the poster while they were rolling it up at the merch tent. I tried to zoom and and take pictures, but they are so miniscule it’s hardly worth noting. I’m just a stickler record grader, so I try to be super honest about any imperfections. Poster is very clean with bold and defined ink hues, no smearing etc. No rain made it onto the front of the cover. Again Deaner’s signature is a little faded, his marker must have died while signing the whole stack. TICKET STUB = I’m including the ticket stub for authenticities sake. A few rain droplets and some creasing and curling to edges. For now it’s still taped to the back of the frame. So be advised, there might be a small tear to the ink and printing on the back of the stub. I will try to remove gently, but we’ll see what happens. Tapes been on there for 5 years.