These posters are really from the 60’s, nothing commemorative about them, these are the real deal. Country Joe and the Fish. April 14th, 15th, 16th 1967. The Fillmore, San Francisco, California. 13 21/64 x 21 25/32. This poster was printed before the concert in 1967 is nearly 6 decades old. Never displayed before in any way, this is a gem that has been sitting the 60’s. I love these old posters. Some of them when they were displayed around town, it was tough to even read who the acts were. Advertising has been around for a long time, but when the 60’s happened brilliant promoters came around and made these pieces of art that people covet more than a half a century later. Something special was happening in the world, a lot was going on, we were 2 years away from putting a man on the Moon and so much more. Now, there are concert posters for a million shows but before April 14th of 1967 there was a small amount of these made. Most of them were handed out and people put pinholes and tape on them and some like this survived unscathed. We go to a lot of effort each day to make sure these are preserved and will continue to have things pop up. Here today and once they’re gone, they’re gone for good. We are here to make people happy, thank you for your business.