This is original, not a reproduction, and could not be more rare. Here is the provenance: I was a student at Wesleyan at the time and a member of the Social Committee that put on concerts. I actually designed the poster with Young’s Printing in that I provided the head-shot photo from the jacket interior of my own copy (which I still own) of Van’s double live LP, “It’s Too Late To Stop Now”. This poster has been hung once and has only three tack holes. I believe we printed about 100 of them for the concert and I only ever kept these seven. If memory serves, we were struggling to find an opening act in September 1978 and released the poster before finding and signing one at the last minute. And that act turned out to be Rockpile featuring Nick Lowe and Dave Edmunds, but it was too late to get their name on the poster. I made a stage announcement just prior to Rockpile coming on, and it remains the only time in my life that I’ve spoken in front of 3500 people. My second-biggest crowd is about 25 or 30. It has never been rolled or folded, always flat. This precious item has to go, as do many other treasures that have spent decades in boxes in my smoke-free homes.